Offer a gift voucher
How does it work ?
Choose an amount, pay then send your gift voucher to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift voucher as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid Until 31 dec 2025
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Gift card valid 12 months
How does it work ?
Choose a card, pay then send your gift card to whom you want. It is very simple !
You will receive with your confirmation of purchase a PDF as attachment containing the gift card as well as the information concerning the establishment. Download this PDF then send by e-mail to the person of your choice.
Bonjour et bienvenue à Cosy Nature !
Dans un petit coin de paradis niché dans la vallée de la Vis 🌷🌿🌞, je vous accueille toute l'année dans des cosy tiny houses et cosy chalets pour découvrir les magnifiques Cévennes. A pied ou à vélos vous explorerez les paysages grandioses des Causses, du Parc National des Cévennes, du Cirque de Navacelles à l'Aigoual. Sur place vous pouvez louer des vélos électriques et vous ressourcer dans un spa extérieur avec sauna et jacuzzi.
Prenez le temps de découvrir les pages, les photos, et n'hésitez pas à partager les vôtres sur les réseaux avec le hashtag #cosynature 👌🙏😊
Je reprends les mots de Jacques Brel et : "Je vous souhaite des rêves à n'en plus finir et l'envie furieuse d'en réaliser quelques uns. Je vous souhaite d'aimer ce qu'il faut aimer et d'oublier ce qu'il faut oublier. Je vous souhaite des passions, je vous souhaite des silences. Je vous souhaite des chants d'oiseaux au réveil et des rires d'enfants. Je vous souhaite de respecter les différences des autres, parce que le mérite et la valeur de chacun sont souvent à découvrir. Je vous souhaite de résister à l'enlisement, à l'indifférence et aux vertus négatives de notre époque. Je vous souhaite enfin de ne jamais renoncer à la recherche, à l'aventure, à la vie, à l'amour, car la vie est une magnifique aventure et nul de raisonnable ne doit y renoncer sans livrer une rude bataille. Je vous souhaite surtout d'être vous, fier de l'être et heureux, car le bonheur est notre destin véritable."
A bientôt